Thursday, May 6, 2010

A moment in Ukraine

    It is 11:00 pm on a breezy Ukrainian night as I lie in bed slowly falling asleep in my little house in my little village.  While drifting to sleep, I hear the soft thuds of a horse's hooves as it pulls a cart by my bedroom window.  I feel the breeze through my open window and with it the smell of the countryside and the ever-present hint of burning garbage that I have strangely grown accustomed to.  I hear a pack of dogs in a nearby field fighting violently with loud growls and ferocious barks.  The sounds come to an abrupt end followed by a series of loud yelps which slowly get softer and softer until the circle of life for that particular dog is completed.  I think to myself, "Goodnight Ukraine." Ukraine is beautiful in it's simplicity yet complex at the same time due to the unfamiliarity of it all.  I am 25 years old living in a small village in Ukraine - I couldn't be happier.  Life is a trip - the destination is unimportant.  I finally fall asleep while random Russian words swim around in my head to the tune of the techno beat that was playing on the crowded Mashootka ride home from the city.  This is my life. 


  1. I like your slightly different approach this time. It brings up things you wouldn't ordinarily mention, ie sound of horse going by, smell of burning garbage, and fighting dogs. Reminds me of a quote from Ram Das, "Be here now." In goal oriented America we forget that. YM

  2. tell johnny v good i said hey....
    his dad and take care to you too.
